(12-06-2014, 02:01 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: Although it seems like a lot of empty space, keep in mind they aren't really looking around TOO thoroughly. Deeper inspection will probably lead to various secrets. With a big world there's more room for that than ever.
That's what I hope for with this game. Just like the original Zelda, I want to be able to tackle things in mostly any order I want. Just like a Link to the Past, I want stuff hidden all over the place that I can find right away, and I want a nice semblance of difficulty. Just like Link's Awakening, I want collectibles that I can find throughout my adventure, that I can trade in for an epic reward. Just like Oracle of Seasons and Ages, I want colorful characters, and the puzzle mechanics to be interesting, not just copy-pasted from a previous Zelda title. Just like Minish Cap, I want there to be a LARGE amount of secrets to find in the areas I've been in, that allows me to backtrack and see new parts of the area that I didn't necessarily HAVE to see, and force me to explore every nook and cranny to find everything.
I want them to blend the best of worlds from the 2D games. The 2D games always had the best overworlds, in terms of content and secrets.