Hey people, I am planning on doing SNES-style sprites for every character in the Mixels franchise. Here's what I have so far.
From left to right: the uncreative Nixels, the Spikel Scorpi and the Frosticon Flurr.
I will be updating this with more characters until it's all completed.
I hope you like my sprites!
EDIT: Here's a list of what's done:
2014 Infernites:
-Flain (improved sprite completed and posted)
-Vulk (not started yet)
-Zorch (not started yet)
-Krader (not started yet)
-Seismo (sprite completed and posted)
-Shuff (not started yet)
-Teslo (sprite completed and posted)
-Volectro (not started yet)
-Zaptor (sprite completed and posted)
-Flurr (improved sprite completed and posted)
-Slumbo (not started yet)
-Lunk (not started yet)
Fang Gang:
-Jawg (not started yet)
-Gobba (not started yet)
-Chomly (sprite completed and posted)
-Kraw (not started yet)
-Tentro (sprite completed and posted)
-Balk (sprite completed and posted)
Glorp Corp:
-Glomp (not started yet)
-Torts (sprite completed and posted)
-Glurt (not started yet)
-Scorpi (modified and improved sprite complete and posted)
-Footi (sprite completed and posted)
-Hoogi (not started yet)
-Magnifo (not started yet)
-Mesmo (not started yet)
-Wizwuz (not started yet)
2015 Infernites:
-Burnard (not started yet)
-Meltus (not started yet)
-Flamzer (not started yet)
-Niksput (not started yet)
-Nurp-Naut (not started yet)
-Rokit (not started yet)
-Globert (not started yet)
-Vampos (not started yet)
-Boogly (not started yet)
-The three Nixel types (improved sprites forthcoming)
-Major Nixel (not started yet)
-Cubits (sprites complete and posted)
-Coconapple (not started yet)
-Cookironi (not started yet)
-Hamlogna Sandwich (not started yet)
-Shuff's ceramic figurines from "Mailman" (not started yet)
-Lunk's present to Balk from "Elevator" (not started yet)
Next up: the Glorp Corporal Glomp, the Electroid Volectro and the Cragster Shuff.