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Doing Sonic 1-sized, Sonic 1-visual-styled sheets for other characters than Sonic

[Image: mDNNSpR.png]

Did a first pass at G-Merl from Sonic Advance 3. Reminds me of my days doing fancharacter sprites, in the negative sense- trying to apply the shading logic of the badniks into a smaller body resulted in a lot of pillow shading, etc.

I'll have to do next pass basing myself more on Metal Sonic, who«'s more comparable.

That said, I like the construction of the sprite, my problems are more shading.

The character, incidentally- [Image: Advance3_gmel.png]
Thanked by: ~Axis~, Virt

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RE: First pass at Sonic CD-style character from Sonic Advance 3 - by The KKM - 01-07-2015, 11:54 AM

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