I know sega needs money to survive, but "how do they bring the money" is the question. Sonic CAN work in 3D. You pointed it out several times just how. Why didnt they do it? I guess that will never be directly answered. My guess is that they dont really care if the hedgehog survives as long as he brings in cash. Unlike the good ol days where they (at least LOOKED like) were making games so that the blue blur was the best around and couldnt have competition. They could even merge the best qualities from newer titles into a single game if they wanted to. The speed of Unleashed day stages, the exploration of sonic lost world, the classic style of Generations and the physics and creativity of the Hedgehog engine. Who wouldnt find a game like that playable?
One thing is definately certain........ Sega sure knows how to fuck up.
One thing is definately certain........ Sega sure knows how to fuck up.