(02-09-2015, 02:45 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: If you want the thread to move in another direction, start actually posting things relevant to your interests and don't let me guide it for so many pages over the course of literally 30 days
(actually, it'd be cool if you or someone made another topic just for it. like, a callout/srs smash thread, and keep the original post updated with matchups and match results. you could even make the first post fancy by using font color tags and symbols to make cool horizontal graphs and stuff - I mean like I'd have made it but I'm not really too interested in the NO FUN ALLOWED part of smash, plus it seems like a fun little side project for anyone who's willing to do that. who knows, i might come out of a competitive game retirement and surface to school all the children on this forum)
So yeah I've been talking in another topic about trying to get amiibo, but how many people train with these guys in Smash? It's pretty fun playing against them and raising them to be like your teammate, but I feel like no matter what I do, my amiibo are only going to be good at fighting me and not like, other people's amiibo.
Anyone have any suggestions on how I'd go about this? Is there any like, right way to train amiibo?