I thought of the breathing in through the butt thing while practicing today
[7:54:46 PM] Tennis Ball: ehehe
[7:55:07 PM] ShadeDBZ: I tried it
[7:55:10 PM] ShadeDBZ: it's complicated
[7:55:14 PM] Tennis Ball: you
[7:55:21 PM | Edited 7:55:23 PM] Hatty Hattington: you butthale air
[7:55:21 PM] Tennis Ball: don't actually breath through the butt that was a misunderstanding
[7:55:35 PM] Tennis Ball: you imagine your breath going into your butt
from your mouth/nose
[7:55:40 PM] ShadeDBZ: then what did I do...
[7:55:47 PM] Tennis Ball: idk what the heck you did
[7:55:49 PM] Hatty Hattington: LOL
[7:56:12 PM] ShadeDBZ: thanks for the false advertising I guess
[7:56:42 PM] Tennis Ball: I never ever said to breath THROUGH your butt
I said to breath INTO your butt
[7:56:51 PM] Hatty Hattington: sjgdgshfg
[7:57:03 PM] Hatty Hattington: MY LUNGS ARE IN MY BUTTHGSGHADSSD
[7:54:46 PM] Tennis Ball: ehehe
[7:55:07 PM] ShadeDBZ: I tried it
[7:55:10 PM] ShadeDBZ: it's complicated
[7:55:14 PM] Tennis Ball: you
[7:55:21 PM | Edited 7:55:23 PM] Hatty Hattington: you butthale air
[7:55:21 PM] Tennis Ball: don't actually breath through the butt that was a misunderstanding
[7:55:35 PM] Tennis Ball: you imagine your breath going into your butt
from your mouth/nose
[7:55:40 PM] ShadeDBZ: then what did I do...
[7:55:47 PM] Tennis Ball: idk what the heck you did
[7:55:49 PM] Hatty Hattington: LOL
[7:56:12 PM] ShadeDBZ: thanks for the false advertising I guess
[7:56:42 PM] Tennis Ball: I never ever said to breath THROUGH your butt
I said to breath INTO your butt
[7:56:51 PM] Hatty Hattington: sjgdgshfg
[7:57:03 PM] Hatty Hattington: MY LUNGS ARE IN MY BUTTHGSGHADSSD