02-26-2015, 03:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2015, 04:40 PM by Random Talking Bush.)
Yet another Pokémon post. I can't think of anything to say about that right now, still not feeling 100% yet.
Pokémon X / Y:

Slowbro there was updated with its Mega form from Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire, in case you were wondering.
Pokémon X / Y:
#004 Charmander

#005 Charmeleon

#006 Charizard

#007 Squirtle

#008 Wartortle

#009 Blastoise

#079 Slowpoke

#080 Slowbro

#139 Omastar

#203 Girafarig

#249 Lugia

#320 Wailmer

#321 Wailord

#493 Arceus

#643 Reshiram

#644 Zekrom

#646 Kyurem

#651 Quilladin

#652 Chesnaught

#654 Braixen

#655 Delphox

#657 Frogadier

Slowbro there was updated with its Mega form from Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire, in case you were wondering.