If Microsoft knew how to utilize Rare's IPs, they could very easily have the kind of mascot power Nintendo does. Rare aside Microsoft has Minecraft Steve and Master Chief... line them up with good products for the Battletoads, Joanna Dark, Killer Instinct (check), Banjo-Kazooie, and Conker and the One would have a formidable library of exclusives. Hell, it wouldn't hurt things to take another look at Viva Pinata, Kameo, or Jet Force Gemini either.
In the past this seemed to be something Nintendo's rivals couldn't grasp. Starpower is extremely important to brand recognition, and when your brand revolves around media you need some fictional celebrities to endorse it. Sony had Crash, they blew it. They've done cool things since then, but PSAS showed that they don't have a clue about how to bring it together. Microsoft sounds like they're making moves in this direction, and I can feel myself gravitating towards their camp because of it.
In the past this seemed to be something Nintendo's rivals couldn't grasp. Starpower is extremely important to brand recognition, and when your brand revolves around media you need some fictional celebrities to endorse it. Sony had Crash, they blew it. They've done cool things since then, but PSAS showed that they don't have a clue about how to bring it together. Microsoft sounds like they're making moves in this direction, and I can feel myself gravitating towards their camp because of it.