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"Realistic" Mech Arcade, does it exist?
Were you high when you made that post? lol
btw, no arcade is going to have a coffee maker right next to the arcade machine - it'd result in one wired gamer being in the machine all day. Then you'd have little kids complaining they can't get a spot because there's one wired foreigner sitting in the machine hogging it and you'd get kicked out of the SEGA arcade complex

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em How To Play Gundam Game And Yell At Japanese Children In Voice Chat To "Youou BitchAss" With Big Nose Yankee English "Gundam KING" STYLE ~~
Hello, I'm Michael-San~~ Do You Like A Hamburger? A Frenched Fry
SPeaku English Please Conechua

In all seriousness he's playing Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjo no Kizuna which uses a "P.O.D" (Panorama Optical Display) screen and support for headsets (so you can smack-talk your opponents ofc)
It's pretty much missing the hula girl and the coffee machine
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: psychospacecow, daemoth

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Realistic" Mech Arcade, does it exist? - by Kosheh - 04-06-2015, 08:59 PM

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