(04-17-2015, 07:16 PM)Sevenstitch Wrote: Wow hey everyone hate me for saying this, but I've yet to actually like any "country" style Donkey Kong game
The SNES titles have always really bugged me on several levels, both graphics and design-wise. The controls were very loose and "slippery," meaning that over corrected jumps and missed landings were common, which was also contributed by the fact that in many levels the foreground props would blend, albeit near seamlessly, with the backgrounds, making judging distances and spacial awareness difficult.
As far as later titles go, I really have no love for them either.
I...actually thought the controls in the SNES Country games were surprisingly tight. They're not New Super Mario Bros. Wii tight, but it's decent enough handling for the SNES generation where I love the absolute shit out of 'em
DK in the new, Wii game (and the new one, too actually - Tropical Freeze. I own both) just feels like you're throwing a slice of salami against a greased watermelon because all the controls are swapped.
Why the hell would you have pressure-based movement in a sidescroller. The game sorely needs a run button because I shouldn't always be running in a precision platformer.
Sure Sonic doesn't need a run button but DK sure as hell does