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I am new and could use alittle bump in the right direction
Hello First off this is pretty much my first post into a forum or blog or anything similar. I usually tend to go to forums for different info and often find it by a question someone previously asked. Obviously I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment. I could use some help I am wanting to work on making a revision to pokemon battle revolution. I understand MightyJetters has a guide he posted that explains how to do it yet I am stuck at the part where I believe I should have .brres files yet the only files from it I have gotten are mainly .fsys files. I believe my trouble comes in not knowing what to use to delve deeper into them to get the model/cgi info out of them or perhaps I may be missing a partition. I am getting two partitions from PBR. This is pretty much my first attempt at game modifying and I apologize if you all have heard this before. Just for informational purposes I have blender and Unity on my pc I have done some work in both of them and am getting a better understanding I feel as I go along. The plan is I'd like to use the sprites/models from PBR along with a bit of the coding if I can and then add My own maps and terrain to pretty much bring the Gameboy/DS versions of pokemon to 3 dimensions and incorporate some new games and abilities as well as make the entire pokemon world accessible in one game. I know it's rather a large dream but I feel it could work. Thank you for your time and understanding and have a wonderful day.
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I am new and could use alittle bump in the right direction - by Shindeiru - 05-06-2015, 08:47 AM

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