[R082-R083] Kricketot + Kricketune [ICON]
[R126-R127] Mankey + Primeape [ICON]
[R183-R184] Abra + Alakazam [ICON]
[R203-R204] Jigglypuff + Wigglytuff [ICON]
[R???-R???] Mudkip, Marshtomp + Swampert [ICON]
had to mess with the Mudkip icon, sorry. And a little fact; Mudkip, Marshtomp + SWampert do not appear in SOA. Cool.
[R126-R127] Mankey + Primeape [ICON]
[R183-R184] Abra + Alakazam [ICON]
[R203-R204] Jigglypuff + Wigglytuff [ICON]
[R???-R???] Mudkip, Marshtomp + Swampert [ICON]
had to mess with the Mudkip icon, sorry. And a little fact; Mudkip, Marshtomp + SWampert do not appear in SOA. Cool.