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3d holographic gaming closer then we think
awhile ago i stumbled onto a thing called bleen a holographic projecter that claims  to be able to project into the air without needing glass or anything to project onto. it seems legit as they are taking responsibilty for the projecters used for the 2014 homer hologram stunt at comicon last year and they apparently sold some to  a lingerie shop in the uk (both examples are on there youtube channel which i will give a link to at the end) they are selling home units for 800 a piece.

asuming they are telling the truth i think there best bet is for them to partner with konami because although i am happy it is possible to  buy this stuff for home  the 800 doller price tag is a bit much for most people who would buy this, but konami has  something that would insure a ton of money for bleen to get more  then enough funding to start researching how make the projecters cheaper and that thing is a franchise called yugioh.

why konami instead of anouther big company like sony or nintendo? well its simple konami is a big player in the arcade area of the gaming industry this means they could  use the projecters right now . while a company like nintendo  who is focused on home and mobile gaming would hafto wait untill it got way cheaper before even considering it.

why is yugioh such a big deal for this why not another franchise?  well although there are a ton of games and franchises  that would benifit from a holographic arcade game, yugioh is the only one that has  holograms as a central part of the plot meaning  players would be doing exactly what is happening on the show. this would increase the  already super high marketability of yugioh even higher after all look at how many kids bought those fake duel disks when they came out years ago. with  real holograms it would give a truly unique experience. with japans arcade market still really strong it would just rake in the cash over there  and if it were coupled with some really big holo publicity stunts it could get global attention. like say using it in the yugioh world championships  and put it in an open area at night where the holographic monsters would be easily seen fighting by passers by.

well thats my 2 cents i would love hear your  thoughts about this weather you think bleen is legit what franchises you think might work better then yugioh as a starter for 3d arcades anything you think i missed and anything you think adds to this subject and so on? also here is there website and youtube page.
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3d holographic gaming closer then we think - by trans the psycopath - 06-14-2015, 12:09 AM

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