It's probably called Metroid "Prime" because it's an FPS
@jerm, maybe it's because I don't care about that point myself, but I feel like that's the smallest issue of the bunch. I've read some comments saying they'd rather play as the Metroid Prime Hunters NPCs, so adding just Samus is probably not going to convince people enough. Really, I think 3 and 4 are probably the biggest things people are annoyed about, with 3 somewhat mirroring the Wind Waker debacle of "ew it's a kids game"
personally, I've always wanted a game about the fed troopers
@jerm, maybe it's because I don't care about that point myself, but I feel like that's the smallest issue of the bunch. I've read some comments saying they'd rather play as the Metroid Prime Hunters NPCs, so adding just Samus is probably not going to convince people enough. Really, I think 3 and 4 are probably the biggest things people are annoyed about, with 3 somewhat mirroring the Wind Waker debacle of "ew it's a kids game"
personally, I've always wanted a game about the fed troopers