07-04-2015, 07:41 AM
I have a little question for a thing I will probably plan to implement in a software I'm testing called Unity3D.
I had found out how 2D graphics appears as Particles in some gameplays... I believed it was a kind of factor that would vary depending on the game engine itself. but it was as common and simple that was already implemented on almost EVERY game.
My question is... if by any chance you manage to rip Master Core... (Like one user suggested several months ago), is it possible to reproduce the same particle effects like it does like ingame?.
if that's so, with the basics I had learned of Unity (even the basics if C/C++) can I do the same thing?
because I am so interested on giving it a shot for the purpose I'm gonna make a kind of VR environment for the Oculus Rift as soon as I can get the info on how to make Assets, making the particle effects and even the necesary materials I may get from here. Thanks in advance.
My project is a kind of pretty interactive storyline, where you can play as a Hero, confronting the Land of Oblivion.
it will a kind of being a part of an anime Shonen. Even I have the project already in my mind, including Dark Eevee G3 (The project I shown on my first post on Texture Resource that I had to delete the photos for many reasons. )
I learned the basics about instancing particles, but just I need to know how to make the Master Core Aura, more like it does ingame.
I had found out how 2D graphics appears as Particles in some gameplays... I believed it was a kind of factor that would vary depending on the game engine itself. but it was as common and simple that was already implemented on almost EVERY game.
My question is... if by any chance you manage to rip Master Core... (Like one user suggested several months ago), is it possible to reproduce the same particle effects like it does like ingame?.
if that's so, with the basics I had learned of Unity (even the basics if C/C++) can I do the same thing?
because I am so interested on giving it a shot for the purpose I'm gonna make a kind of VR environment for the Oculus Rift as soon as I can get the info on how to make Assets, making the particle effects and even the necesary materials I may get from here. Thanks in advance.
My project is a kind of pretty interactive storyline, where you can play as a Hero, confronting the Land of Oblivion.
it will a kind of being a part of an anime Shonen. Even I have the project already in my mind, including Dark Eevee G3 (The project I shown on my first post on Texture Resource that I had to delete the photos for many reasons. )
I learned the basics about instancing particles, but just I need to know how to make the Master Core Aura, more like it does ingame.