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The Jam Engine - and the tiny prototypes that help me build it
I'm working on the feature set of the engine at the moment, I've got basic 2D physics (AABB, Poly, Circle, Ray, Line) and I'm working on 3D physics (AABB, Sphere, Triangle, Ray), I'm also working on the content management, support for collada 3D files to be converted into an engine specific format, in the process I'm also adding ofc skeletal animation, tangent space calculation and animation mixing (those of which I'm writing at the moment), these features when finished should allow me to make a more modern Fps, but ofc I do want to stick to the retro sensibilities which inspired it.
They shouldn't take me long, I've done it all before, just need to do it clean and ofc not get lazy Tongue
I'll update when I have a sample working of the engine showing off its new 3D features, I've already got a little robot ready to run and jump around to show it all off.

EDIT: COLLADA FILES ARE ANUSES! actually collada is quite easy to work with as far as file formats go but hot damn does it take a while to wind and weave around the references, I've got meshes loading, I'm working on animation loading atm, following which I'll be organizing the content into a node system that lends itself to an expandable resource pack file format (which I'll probably just call a .jam) expect a collada viewer by the end of the week, I don't know how feature-rich it'll be though

EDIT EDIT: So I'm still working on the collada files, I've managed to make a proper system for loading them rather than an approximation of blenders exports, the node system I've created for them to load into is actually quite handy, to the point it may be used as the basis for the engines file format or at least for its resource format. Anyway I've just got meshes generating properly with all components in tact with the single exception of bone indices and weights BUT I know how to do those now, they are contained in an armature object controller aptly named the skin in blender and luckily linked in the object node, a little convoluted if you ask me but I'll support it regardless
Thanked by: ivan.vinski, TheShyGuy

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Jam Engine - and the tiny prototypes that help me build it - by Bombshell93 - 07-06-2015, 09:24 AM

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