you've put more work into this project than I've put into any of mine, with this kind of determination programming would prove no obstacle, if it helps heres a run down of the popular languages I know and possibly where you can start off,
Javascript - easy, fast to use, large set of helpers and tools, no compile needed, runs natively in any modern browser, has the benefit of integrating HTML (I use it for UI elements) and allows you to insert code and fixes on the fly (fast and easy debugging) - Three.js is very popular, alternatively you can use just plain Javascript and WebGl, a lot of the syntax of which carry over into other languages.
Java - I'd argue obsolete, after all javascript now near meets it in power with the advent of HTML 5 and provides better support, but java is still a useful tool, its got a larger tool kit and an easier starting point, magnificent networking capabilities and one of the more enjoyable programming experiences - java is java, I advise you use java with java to java while you java, but I do believe it has some form of openGl available to it, for the sake of more graphically intensive programs (see minecraft)
C# - a powerful easy to learn language with a MAHOOSIVE tool set (the .net framework), it follows a similar syntax to many other programming languages, most notably the C and C++ it was based on - XNA is a good place to start, its where I started learning bigger things outside of game maker, alternatively there are very many engines, frameworks, independent libraries that can help you put together whatever kind of game you wish.
C++ - the industry standard, I won't sugar coat it, C++ is medium to learn very very hard to master, but it comes with outstanding perks, such vast expandability and used by more engines and frameworks than anyone would be insane enough to count, its performance can be next to none, you have the power, all of it, no hand holding, but likewise, no holding back - if you decide to go with C++ I'd advise you start from scratch, typically if you go for C++ your going for the real deal and you should probably get all the knowledge you can out of that, but if you want to start with an engine, Unreal 4 is now free open source and does some lovely tricks with C++