Okay, I just heard back from the person that originally ripped select files from the game. Maybe you guys can help me find a program to do this?
That last part is the part I'm stuck at. I tried the offzip they suggested here, but it either doesn't run right on my computer or I'm just not sure how it works. Or I even downloaded the wrong program; that's a possibility. Anyone have suggestions on a program to use for this?
Quote:It’s been a while so I don’t remember if the game has a large file that needs to be unpacked like BB, but what you want to do is:
-Unpack the .pac files
-Unpack the .segs
-Decompress the .hip files
The .hip files are actually .segs, so whatever program you used to unpack the .segs (like offzip or one made specifically for them) you use on those as well.
That last part is the part I'm stuck at. I tried the offzip they suggested here, but it either doesn't run right on my computer or I'm just not sure how it works. Or I even downloaded the wrong program; that's a possibility. Anyone have suggestions on a program to use for this?