(08-26-2015, 12:38 PM)Ehm Wrote: .fa is a Level 5 archive format. It can be extracted with this tool, but I don't think support is very extensive just yet. More details here.
You, sir, are a god amongst men. That worked, and now I've come to the next step;
These also seem to be decompilable through the same tool, as listed, and I managed to produce the following by extracting one file, ca0006_b.xa;
Getting closer bit by bit. Any clue how to mess with these .pbi/.pvb?
EDIT: In fun news, I seem to have ripped the game's entire sound library and took the liberty of neatly sorting it into folders for later naming/further sorting/general cleanyness. Also found the player models, but they're in .xc format.