hey, don't get like that. 
I mean, there's like a gazillion different things you have to consider here. Like, here's basically what you're suggesting:
- Obtain all the assets from Sonic '06: textures, models, dialogue, scripts, audio, etc.
- Write the engine from scratch to resemble an existing product
- Once it's done and so much done, distribute it for free and everyone will applaud you and your team for it.
Now, that's...well, for one thing, that's not legal. And in the end, what you're proposing actually hurts SEGA!! And that'd be even worse!!
Copyright law prohibits you from doing something like that. (taking the game, scenario, programming and assets and passing it off as your team's work)
Even though you're not selling it for a profit, SEGA still wishes to protect their assets and the things they own. Basically:
- SEGA made Sonic '06 and it's a flaming tured
- You're proposing remaking the game
- The new game is a nonprofit and distributed to the masses
- SEGA makes no money because who wants to play a glitchy game when we have The New, Perfect Version of Sonic '06 And Here It Is, Completely Free
Remember when SEGA made the Dreamcast, and you could burn the games onto CDs, thus not having to pay for any of your games? Remember how much money SEGA lost because they sold the consoles at a loss and then no one was buying the software? Remember how they pulled the plug on that console because it couldn't keep up with the other technology on the market and SEGA couldn't afford to make a new console?
Yeah it's like that but with a game.
I'd suggest getting into like modeling or something, and making your own Cool, Neat Creations - and once you've got something neat, you could do things with it - like use those assets in a game, or find out how to port the model into an existing PC game, so you have your own, cool-ass mod that you can credit as your own and everyone will like and enjoy
"But what about fangames Kosheh!!"
well that's a grey area? maybe
Well you're writing the coding yourself and making original scenarios and mechanics, so like it's a little better and somewhat more ethical too. While you're not using your own assets, you're still learning the skeleton of it all to make cooler, better work in the future.
Here's an idea: Instead of killing yourself trying to recreate an XBOX game, why not obtain easier-to-find things (like sprites of Sonic and things made by fans, etc.) and make a 2D side-scrolling fangame that takes place in the same universe as '06, possibly tying the plotholes and whatnot together - and it's still actually mostly original and you're taking on a task that one guy can handle easily all on his own (and maybe a few pals too) :0)

I mean, there's like a gazillion different things you have to consider here. Like, here's basically what you're suggesting:
- Obtain all the assets from Sonic '06: textures, models, dialogue, scripts, audio, etc.
- Write the engine from scratch to resemble an existing product
- Once it's done and so much done, distribute it for free and everyone will applaud you and your team for it.
Now, that's...well, for one thing, that's not legal. And in the end, what you're proposing actually hurts SEGA!! And that'd be even worse!!
Copyright law prohibits you from doing something like that. (taking the game, scenario, programming and assets and passing it off as your team's work)
Even though you're not selling it for a profit, SEGA still wishes to protect their assets and the things they own. Basically:
- SEGA made Sonic '06 and it's a flaming tured
- You're proposing remaking the game
- The new game is a nonprofit and distributed to the masses
- SEGA makes no money because who wants to play a glitchy game when we have The New, Perfect Version of Sonic '06 And Here It Is, Completely Free
Remember when SEGA made the Dreamcast, and you could burn the games onto CDs, thus not having to pay for any of your games? Remember how much money SEGA lost because they sold the consoles at a loss and then no one was buying the software? Remember how they pulled the plug on that console because it couldn't keep up with the other technology on the market and SEGA couldn't afford to make a new console?
Yeah it's like that but with a game.
I'd suggest getting into like modeling or something, and making your own Cool, Neat Creations - and once you've got something neat, you could do things with it - like use those assets in a game, or find out how to port the model into an existing PC game, so you have your own, cool-ass mod that you can credit as your own and everyone will like and enjoy

"But what about fangames Kosheh!!"
well that's a grey area? maybe
Well you're writing the coding yourself and making original scenarios and mechanics, so like it's a little better and somewhat more ethical too. While you're not using your own assets, you're still learning the skeleton of it all to make cooler, better work in the future.
Here's an idea: Instead of killing yourself trying to recreate an XBOX game, why not obtain easier-to-find things (like sprites of Sonic and things made by fans, etc.) and make a 2D side-scrolling fangame that takes place in the same universe as '06, possibly tying the plotholes and whatnot together - and it's still actually mostly original and you're taking on a task that one guy can handle easily all on his own (and maybe a few pals too) :0)