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One of my least favorite topics...
(09-08-2015, 03:28 PM)Kosheh Wrote:
(09-07-2015, 02:58 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: this computer has enough problems...
it's not even a pure windows xp install, it has some company crap permanently integrated...

i'm done...
as for malwarebytes, it's good...but uses an insane amount of resources.
in present condition, this pc WOULD crash if i started it...

this thing barely reboots at a reasonable speed...
it freezes during THAT, even...

(09-07-2015, 02:58 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: windows xp
I think I've found your problem. You can't even install XP on a modern computer expecting it I'm just assuming the processor doesn't even have an "i" in it and probably takes up to 4GB max.
Quite frankly, with specs that low, trying to run modern things can be kinda...torture, given everything amps their specs up with each new OS dispatch.

Upgrading to a new computer with Windows 10, even seems like a good idea - especially that you can get high-spec gaming desktops for like $700 nowadays from a brick-and-mortar retailer. Odds are you're gonna get your new machine and you're gonna love the everloving hell out of it once you do

(also, the idea is to start up malwarebytes and then just walk away and do...things that aren't "stare at the monitor and wait for malwarebytes to finish" lol)

(09-07-2015, 02:58 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: so do i...
gonna try setting up that router, though already been delayed... my mom came-out after checking emails and facebook just to tell him "oh, you have some emails that need to be checked" ... in her position, i'd leave him on his own. something gets missed, oh well...
this...just sounds like your dad's savvy but just really gullible when it comes to those "Is this you? [links to self-executing virus package]"
It's not about getting "smarter", it's about browsing safe. Even a retired IBMer can get sucked into those scams - it's...crazy.

(09-07-2015, 02:58 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: assuming that works, need to fully set-up that laptop my friend gave me... i feel that's gonna be rough... windows vista, and the thing gets hot as fuck! so, lotsa GUI settings to change for conserving resources, and updates to add, or crashes to try and fix... besides having to disable a ton of "security" features...if that wasn't done by previous owners

(Also, Windows 8~10 actually run better on old setups somehow than Vista or even 7 does, somehow. lmao)

you may want to open that thing up and blow the whole thing down with compressed air/reverse setting on a vacuum. a lot of dust'll cause the fans/heatsink to clog and uh

just give it a good clean. lol

Also sorry if I'm coming off as kinda condescending - I work as an IT person with the intent to someday be a sysadmin, soooo I might come off as a little arrogant (and sometimes I forget that not everyone has the same technical knowledge as I do lol)

simply don't have the money for any upgrading of that nature...

For a retired IBMer to do that would indicate they got careless and sloppy. Scams only work because people foolishly let their guard down. Simplest solution is to trust no one.

Windows XP is actually a great OS, and microsoft has yet to meet or exceed what made it good since.
Vista started the trip downwards...
8 was a disaster, taking everything that made Vista crap and amplifying it, and hopping right on the "mobile devices are superior" bandwagon
I've heard great and not so great things about 10.

Not ABOUT to pop a laptop open...

I know enough to realize how many things are backwards with computing... and how much of what is said is to be regarded strictly as propaganda. Your dream job would be easier and more desirable if the world took heed of what people like me have to say or offer. In fact, anyone with interest in computers and the likes would benefit...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: One of my least favorite topics... - by Gors - 09-07-2015, 03:08 PM
RE: One of my least favorite topics... - by Gors - 09-08-2015, 07:18 AM
RE: One of my least favorite topics... - by DarkGrievous7145 - 09-08-2015, 10:10 PM

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