Converts AGI files to PNG, with transparency.
Tell me if there are any issues. So far it only works on the original format, I'll work on supporting the other format soon. Should work with both formats now.
Also, the ARX files can contain any kind of files, some contain AGI files as well, so @ThatTrueStruggle you should let ypur extractor extract those too. By the way, I'm curious, how did you find the decryption password?
Converts AGI files to PNG, with transparency.
agi2png inFile outDir
inFile: The .agi file to convert. Can alternatively be a folder containing the files to convert
outDir: The folder to save the converted files to
Tell me if there are any issues. So far it only works on the original format, I'll work on supporting the other format soon. Should work with both formats now.
Also, the ARX files can contain any kind of files, some contain AGI files as well, so @ThatTrueStruggle you should let ypur extractor extract those too. By the way, I'm curious, how did you find the decryption password?