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Drinking Games for Video Games?
Do any of you enjoy getting a couple friends and playing drinking games alongside your regular video games? If so, post 'em here!

I'll start with the college classic, "Beerio Kart", which can be played with any console Mario Kart (though anything after SMK is most ideal due to 3/4 player capability). If you're unfamiliar, the idea is that you must finish a beer before the race ends, but we have the rule that you can only drink when your vehicle is at a complete stop, since Drinking and Driving is Illegal. In addition, my buddy has a multi-level shot glass, so 3rd place has to take the equivalent of one shot (usually vodka), and 4th takes two shots; if you haven't finished your beer yet, though, you gotta chug the remainder of it first before your shot(s). Simple, yet monstrously fun.

Any others? I'm also looking for good ideas for Smash Bros, keeping in mind that we all agree to turn items off (this part is non-negotiable).
Offending people is a necessary and healthy act... Every time you say something that's offensive to another person, you just caused a discussion. You just forced them to have to think. - Louis C.K.
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Messages In This Thread
Drinking Games for Video Games? - by BullockDS - 10-14-2015, 08:29 AM
RE: Drinking Games for Video Games? - by Helmo - 10-14-2015, 08:52 AM
RE: Drinking Games for Video Games? - by DioShiba - 10-14-2015, 05:55 PM
RE: Drinking Games for Video Games? - by DioShiba - 10-14-2015, 06:12 PM

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