@dragondeplatino as much as id like to add more frames, rpgmaker doesnt really allow that. not only that, but workload would be increased. ill just stick to 3 frame animations for now
@gors ill add the nose and try editing his back
@valo ill definitely change the hair so that it doesnt look stiff. i dont understand what you mean about the shading. can you show an example if possible?
recme is simple compared to other characters because of his simple design, so thats why he seems outta place in comparison. think of ness and lucas in smash bros. ill tone down waluigi's arms, but i think his face needs some of the detail in order to define the details.
@gors ill add the nose and try editing his back
@valo ill definitely change the hair so that it doesnt look stiff. i dont understand what you mean about the shading. can you show an example if possible?
recme is simple compared to other characters because of his simple design, so thats why he seems outta place in comparison. think of ness and lucas in smash bros. ill tone down waluigi's arms, but i think his face needs some of the detail in order to define the details.