11-24-2015, 10:59 AM
(11-24-2015, 09:21 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: What, the actual two games from the SNES? I think I'd pass on that. What Bubsy feels like to me is a cluttered Amiga-style platformer, and for some reason those kind of games have always ticked me off and have felt unplayable. I will give the game credit that certain enemy and background art have piqued my interest in the game once or twice, but the gameplay feels so slippery.
Yeah, a lot of Amiga games did suffer from mediocre gameplay while having awesome graphics and music. Can agree with you on that.
Has anyone tried ripping from Amiga games? I'm surprised we have very little rips currently on the site.
Bubsy does suffer from a few issues, being arguably the first Sonic clone. Very lazy written humor and puns. And being a generic bobcat.
It was indeed unforgiving with it's difficulty. one-hit kills can happen too often, blamed on the fact he moved too fast, and clumsily.
The pilot cartoon has a reason it never got picked up. Rob Paulsen even regrets voicing him in said pilot and the second game.