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Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Model Ripping Project
(11-26-2015, 11:25 AM)ThatTrueStruggle Wrote: Some of the BCH files have only textures. Try switching into 'Textures' mode and seeing if that works. Smile
(11-26-2015, 08:55 AM)gdkchan Wrote:
(11-26-2015, 07:07 AM)ThatTrueStruggle Wrote: SIR0 does some weird stuff with encoding and stuff Tongue
EDIT: Unpacker is done. Didn't test too much with BCH support, but here:
It might take a while to unpack some larger files.
Edit 2: Quick update! Unpacker unpacks wayyyyyyy faster now Smile
Someone sended me one of those FARC files some time ago... Not sure if is the same structure of the file you guys are looking, but I already did some research on it, here is the structure:

0x0 - FARC Signature
0x20 - Number of files
0x24 - SIR0 Offset
0x28 - SIR0 Length
0x2C - Data Offset

SIR0 Table Structure
(All offsets here are relative to the SIR0 offset)
0x0 - SIR0 Signature
0x4 - Offset to Pointers Table
0x8 - Offset to encoded Relocation Table
0xC - Padding only
(String table with file names starts after this, they're UTF16 and Null Terminated)

Pointers Table
0x0 - Offset to the Files Table
0x4 - Total number of files

Files Table
(Each entry have 0x10 bytes)
0x0 - Offset to the Name of the file (relative to the SIR0 offset)
0x4 - Offset to the File Data (relative to Data Offset at 0x2C, see first header)
0x8 - Length of the file in bytes
0xC - Only 0x0 was observed, may be related to compression tho
Just didn't cared to write a unpacker yet.

Yeah, that's the SIR0 format we were talking about. I heard it's offsets were encoded, and to use them they needed to be decoded. Things may have changed, so I don't know but that's what I heard. Thanks GDKChan, this is really helpful Smile
Which BCH Files use models?
[Image: 33426ca52b.png]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon Model Ripping Project - by Lilothestitch - 11-26-2015, 12:30 PM

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