I think I have find the solution, @DarkGrievous7145 thanks ! because now I know how is organized the sprites fonts.
I will restruct the font in ShoeBox and import it into Unity with this shader : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/TexturedFont .
But @puggsoy in SM3DW, the fonts are BFFNT(with FNT for FONT) files, it's not textures because the textures files are BFLIM.
I wonder how the WiiU rippers on tSR extract BFFNT files.
But you have reason for older games
I will restruct the font in ShoeBox and import it into Unity with this shader : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/TexturedFont .
But @puggsoy in SM3DW, the fonts are BFFNT(with FNT for FONT) files, it's not textures because the textures files are BFLIM.
I wonder how the WiiU rippers on tSR extract BFFNT files.
But you have reason for older games