(10-08-2015, 10:02 AM)Solarkilelr13 Wrote: First of all i would like to share this link: https://github.com/codywatts/PADTextureExtractor
That allows you to extract textures from the APK file, however that doesn't help us due to us wanting the monster textures.
Hi there! I'm the author of the PADTextureExtractor.
When I first saw your post, I was surprised; the PADTextureExtractor is supposed to work on monster textures too. But I tried it with some of the .bc files you provided and sure enough, it wasn't working. After digging a little deeper, I realized what had happened; starting with the 7.8.1 update, Puzzle & Dragons began compressing their textures, and so my script wouldn't work with any textures which were downloaded with in the last six months.
After spending a couple of days on the problem, I finally discovered how they were compressing the textures (it took a little longer than I would have liked because in addition to compressing the textures they are also [weakly] encrypting them) and I've just uploaded a new version of the script to GitHub. It should now work with any of the Puzzle & Dragons textures.
Please, give it a shot and let me know if you experience any problems.