(02-18-2016, 05:37 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: Seriously, though.
Reason why I hadn't been ripping Pokémon models for a while is simply because I hadn't felt like it. No other reason. If people are serious about wanting me to speed up process on ripping those Pokémon models, consider giving me some kind of monetary incentive -- my PayPal's [Random T Bush at GMail dot com] (no spaces and substitute the obvious for at/dot). $1 per Pokémon. Otherwise it just gets done whenever. I can't run on goodwill alone right now unfortunately.
(EDIT: Rephrased a bit.)
May I make a recommendation for you? Perhaps you can set up a Pateron if you haven't already. It will at the very least make it easier for people to throw money at you to speed up the ripping process.
And if you still taking ripping requests, since my list of requests have long been done, may I request Medicham, Sableye, and Altaria?