I would like to change my name.
tiramisu6 -> Centrixe (2016-04-03)
The reason is because I dislike the name tiramisu6. I've been using it for quite a lot of websites [can't change most of them] and the whole thing that started "Tiramisu" was a game I hardly play anymore. It's annoying to see tiramisu6 everywhere -- Centrixe sounds a lot more unique.
All set!
tiramisu6 -> Centrixe (2016-04-03)
The reason is because I dislike the name tiramisu6. I've been using it for quite a lot of websites [can't change most of them] and the whole thing that started "Tiramisu" was a game I hardly play anymore. It's annoying to see tiramisu6 everywhere -- Centrixe sounds a lot more unique.
All set!