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How should weird UV maps be handled?
Figured out the iris issue. Look below the face on texture 1. Just switch the texture and you should be fine there. As for the sheen, I think you might have missed part of the model has the same shape, but different UV maps. I'll try to fix it the UV maps by duplicating the iris and adjusting it You'll also want to look around the skirt as part of the model's hair isn't where it should be. I'm not sure what texture 7 is, by the way.

Edit: I'm going to tell you how to fix the sheen. Duplicate the eyes. Hide everything but the new mesh that will be used for the sheen. Rotate your POV to the back of the model. Switch to edit mode then select and delete the tips of the cones on both eyes.

Switch your view back to the front. Click the lower left corner of the bar at the bottom of 3D view window (where the diagonal lines are) and drag your cursor to down. You'll delete the time line area. Do it again, but drag it right instead. You'll split the 3D View window into two if done correctly. Click the cube at the bottom of the left one and change it to UV map editor. This is how you can get a good side by side comparison of UV map to 3D model.

On the right side, select one eye while in edit mode and unwrap it. If done correctly, it will look something like what you're wanting, but a little off. Go over to left side, Mirror the UVs along the Y axis.This will fix that. Do the same to the other eye. If the size of the sheen seems off, select all of the sheen on the right side, then select all UVs and scale them on the left side. Hope this helps.
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Messages In This Thread
How should weird UV maps be handled? - by Poyo - 05-15-2016, 05:36 PM
RE: How should weird UV maps be handled? - by Jinzo-Advance - 05-16-2016, 12:48 AM

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