05-20-2016, 11:47 PM
Pretty self-explainatory, just tell whatever you can remember. 
(Try not to write full-page stories, but short, simple and to-the-point recounts of old memories, thanks!)
For me, I didn't really grow up with games the same way other kids did. I never had a PSX with Final Fantasy 7 or a Nintendo 64 with Ocarina of Time. I was pretty much occupied by just a NES with a bunch of shovelware (along with some classics like Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda). Eventually, my older brother and I did aquire a GCN and usually played Luigi's Mansion, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Wind Waker, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I did also have a Game Boy Color (the purple transparent version) and have fond memories with the Game Boy Camera and Super Mario Bros. DX. Then my Sonic obsession started in about 2002 when I started playing S3K Collection for PC.
I've always been a retro gamer since then. Besides, thanks to being a retro gamer, I dodged modern travesties such as Sonic 06!

(Try not to write full-page stories, but short, simple and to-the-point recounts of old memories, thanks!)
For me, I didn't really grow up with games the same way other kids did. I never had a PSX with Final Fantasy 7 or a Nintendo 64 with Ocarina of Time. I was pretty much occupied by just a NES with a bunch of shovelware (along with some classics like Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda). Eventually, my older brother and I did aquire a GCN and usually played Luigi's Mansion, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Wind Waker, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I did also have a Game Boy Color (the purple transparent version) and have fond memories with the Game Boy Camera and Super Mario Bros. DX. Then my Sonic obsession started in about 2002 when I started playing S3K Collection for PC.
I've always been a retro gamer since then. Besides, thanks to being a retro gamer, I dodged modern travesties such as Sonic 06!