Super Mario World was the first game I ever played when I was like, two years old.
Took me a good three years to figure out how to beat Bowser until my brother showed me how to when I was five.
And yet I'll still play that game every now and then just for the hell of it.
Other games I had included two hockey games, ballz, a PGA golf game, and super play action football. I no longer have ballz or pga but I still have the other two.
Took me a good three years to figure out how to beat Bowser until my brother showed me how to when I was five.
And yet I'll still play that game every now and then just for the hell of it.
Other games I had included two hockey games, ballz, a PGA golf game, and super play action football. I no longer have ballz or pga but I still have the other two.