idstring "BTDX"
get VERSION long
getdstring TYPE 0x4
get FileCount long
get NameTableStart longlong
if TYPE == "GNRL"
goto NameTableStart
for i = 0 < FileCount
get NameSize byte
get null byte
getdstring names[i] NameSize
next i
goto 0x18
ComType zlib
for i = 0 < FileCount
get unk1 long
getdstring Extension 0x4
get unk2 long
get unk3 long
get offset longlong
get packedLength long
get unpackedLength long
get unk4 long
clog names[i] offset packe?dLength unpackedLength
next i
if TYPE == "DX10"
print "Sorry, but DX10 extraction support is not implemented yet!"
what is NameTable? i'm not born in english country. I am Korean. So those english word is very strange to me. i good at english talking, but code is must write in english. for me it still strange when writing, it not naturally,you know. Where I can learn to "master" it?
get VERSION long
getdstring TYPE 0x4
get FileCount long
get NameTableStart longlong
if TYPE == "GNRL"
goto NameTableStart
for i = 0 < FileCount
get NameSize byte
get null byte
getdstring names[i] NameSize
next i
goto 0x18
ComType zlib
for i = 0 < FileCount
get unk1 long
getdstring Extension 0x4
get unk2 long
get unk3 long
get offset longlong
get packedLength long
get unpackedLength long
get unk4 long
clog names[i] offset packe?dLength unpackedLength
next i
if TYPE == "DX10"
print "Sorry, but DX10 extraction support is not implemented yet!"
what is NameTable? i'm not born in english country. I am Korean. So those english word is very strange to me. i good at english talking, but code is must write in english. for me it still strange when writing, it not naturally,you know. Where I can learn to "master" it?