09-11-2016, 01:08 PM
(09-11-2016, 11:56 AM)Yunpol Wrote:Don't worry about it, I've been using 3DS Max for a long time so I know how to work around most of the problems should they show up. Anyway, you shouldn't have to split the model into parts in order to do fix the texture mapping, just add an Edit Mesh modifier if there isn't one already, then select just the eye and mouth textures by using the options in the Surface Properties's "Material" section (either manually inputting numbers and clicking on the "Select ID" button, or by using the pull-down box directly below it), then you should be able to manipulate just those spots on the model.(09-11-2016, 11:32 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: Try using UVW Xform, just change the U Offset in that to -0.75 and you should be good to go.
(Wow, I feel kinda stupid right now, but I guess that's part of the learning process.)
Although, the UVW Xform works for the eyes and mouth just fine. The only issue is the body textures also gets offested by -0.75 as well.
That means I will have to split up the model, so the body textures doesn't get offested by UVW Xform modifier. And then afterwards, reattach the eyes and mouth back into the main model.
So, this is my final result.