(11-09-2016, 07:03 PM)Chaze Wrote: fridge225 can you tell us how you extracted all the files correctly ?
For me all of the bad GARCs are full with null/empty but they have different filesize.
Don't know your case, but seems the cia I got extracts corrupted GARCs starting around a/1/6/8. That's why I could extract Pokémon model files succesfully from a/0/9/4 but got wrong everything else. I'm not sure if some index in the system file is wrong or I have a buggy CTRtool.
Of course this is not the place to ask for a link. BRB searching
EDIT: It was the CTRtool! If this helps you, download the last version and extract the romFS again. https://github.com/profi200/Project_CTR/releases