01-14-2017, 04:49 PM
Possible Battle menu mockup it's pretty complex (and ugly) for now, so I might as well explain what's happening:
Left box
- Just character health and levels and such. Text highlighted in yellow-orange is who's turn it is/who's option you're selecting. A blown up picture of their overworld downwards standing sprite will appear in the center when they do to aid you visually
Middle box
- Attack = Attack from the various moves you have. Some cost AP (Attack Points) which all characters share a single, large pool of.
- Items = Chooses items, of course.
- Defend = Turn is canceled out for half damage on the next hit
- Focus = Similar to defend, but the next attack will have 1.5 times the original damage, cannot be stacked.
- Special = Character only actions that are specific to them.
- Flee = Run battle.
Right box
- Slots are randomly selected battle gimmicks that apply each battle. The first one is always party based, second is enemy based, and third is item based. They're chosen by a pool based by the enemies you fight. And unfair combos (double enemy HP and half damage and such) are not possible, as it'll know from the last selected roll if it's unfair. (icons are placeholders, hence the P)
*General notes.
There's a maximum of three party members a battle, you'll be able to chose who in the party menu. Since you can have more than three.
Backgrounds (this one is a placeholder) are dependent of the area you fought them, and will mostly be generic backgrounds. Forest, Streets, and whatnot.
A GUI redo is needed, though.