04-03-2017, 01:17 PM
Enough with cents, let's make it a dollar
We got enough talents, enough for a holla
Y'all need some confidence and grow a pair,
The least you could do is use big letters for extra flair
We get it, we know it, you aren't into rap
And that's all fine (tho your music taste is crap)
But have no shame when trying your hand at it
Cuz I'm doin' it now, I'm doing rough and ready
Remember my fams, cuz I'll say it once,
Doing sumthin' and suckin' is better than none
We may thrash you, we may school you, and you might cry
But hey my guys and gals' at least you tried
I wish I could be a wee bit more constructive
But writing in constant rhymes is rather restrictive
I also got work to do and mouths to feed
But I might come back later again - if there's sumthin' new to read