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Plants vs Zombies DS Ripping Help
Hello, I'm a newbie here and I'm trying to rip some sprites from the Plants vs Zombies DS game. Following user Barubary's post from this link 
I already unpacked the .nds ROM file with dslazy and I am trying to use a program called DSDecmp to decompress the data files. I think all the sprites are in the data_pack.bin file in the /data/ directory but when I use DSDecmp to decompress it, it gives me an error.

I use this line in the command prompt to try to decompress the file:
>>>dsdecmp data_pack.bin 

But it gives me this error:
No suitable decompressor found for data_pack.bin

Has any one here ever had experience with ripping DS sprites and using DSDecmp? If so I would appreciate it if you can help me out. Thank you.

Here's the link that contains the unpacked files from the rom:

Here's the link for the DSDecmp program:
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Plants vs Zombies DS Ripping Help - by infinitybl - 04-30-2017, 08:44 PM
RE: Plants vs Zombies DS Ripping Help - by JDFRG - 10-07-2021, 02:19 PM

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