Well, at least we can now play as different characters than Sonic or Sonic... which was always a bummer for me. I don't like Sonic in Sonic, but I like other characters such as Tails, Gamma, Amy (the one before she went mad), Cream or Rouge. AND NO, I don't like the females just because of their fan service .
I kinda like the idea of an OC machine. Finally we can have a female character in there which is not only there to run after sonic to love him, just cheering him on or being kidnapped to be rescued by "theflawlessherowhocandoeverythingbyhimselfalonewithoutanyoneshelpbecauseheiscoolandawesomechillidogs", but she will be doing what the others should have done in any new gen Sonic game, helping out by doing something usefull (and no, giving hints or shout out the incomming attack of an boss is not really the "usefull" I mean).
I kinda like the idea of an OC machine. Finally we can have a female character in there which is not only there to run after sonic to love him, just cheering him on or being kidnapped to be rescued by "theflawlessherowhocandoeverythingbyhimselfalonewithoutanyoneshelpbecauseheiscoolandawesomechillidogs", but she will be doing what the others should have done in any new gen Sonic game, helping out by doing something usefull (and no, giving hints or shout out the incomming attack of an boss is not really the "usefull" I mean).