(05-20-2017, 06:52 PM)PatientZero Wrote: On that note, I'm not dumping on any Americans here, but do people there know that their food is kind of a running joke in other countries? I mean that question totally up front, are Americans aware that other countries make fun of them from it? Feels like something Americans would be more defensive about.I'm not entirely sure what this means. ):
If you're talking about in incredibly huge-sized portions that only further contribute to our "obesity epidemic", yeah, we know ;P and I have no idea why we tolerate it. Unless you're talking about the concept that our fast food is actually somewhat less expensive than grocery produce, which is...also an issue in this country we can't seem to wrap our heads around
There's also blogs like "This is Why You're Fat" highlighting truly artery-clogging combinations of food, and at times it even causes my skin to crawl seeing disgustingly huge portions.

Speaking of blogs that highlight truly American things, I kinda wonder if the UK has an equivalent of our Walmart shoppers in like...Asda. That...probably doesn't make sense, but the "People of Walmart" blog should...give you an idea.

I like looking at menus for "American diners" in other countries like England, Italy etc. though and there's bizarre takes on American dishes that for...less of a better word, just aren't a thing here and would actually be better if they were a staple here (as they're sold, they're basically an assumption of what Americans eat) i.e. "The Diner"'s hazelnut milkshakes or Waffle Jack's "Manhattan" hotdog made with grilled pork and cheese sausage which is...literally not the NYC traditional dog, that'd be Coney Island's hot dogs which are...pretty basic and usually either topped with ketchup or mustard.