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Officially calling it quits!!!
Originally, I wasn't going to respond to this thread, in hopes to not start another argument up that is unnecessary. But, I've decided I'd like to explain myself, and I'm going to explicitly state for others that in no way is my response to be taken harshly, or taken as insulting towards Ecelon. It is rather a response to what is being mis-said about the checking of his submissions and why I have said what I have said, as you've decided to write this post without explicitly calling me out (Just say my name next time). To start off:

The reason why your submissions have been rejected more recently is because of my higher standards for you as a submitter. I'm not denouncing the abilities of other model checkers in any shape or form, but the reason why I had been rejecting them for the binding submeshes issue is completely valid, as it does do what I wrote. Each of us checkers have agreed on the most standards, but we each have slightly minimal differences in what we look for. Such as, I look for that as a reason of rejection, some of them may not. It's all personal preference, and is in the end our dictation whether or not your submissions are permissible. For me, they weren't. Trust me, I think you're an absolutely great addition to the site and a great submitter, but I've been pushing you because I know you can do better and I want to make you better.

You had written:
(06-04-2017, 07:42 AM)Ecelon Wrote: just cause you have some shitty little fuckin title under your name, don't mean I'm gonna start doing it YOUR way. As fuckin' far as I'm concerned, I met the requirements for a successful submission...
Regardless of the title under any of our names, it doesn't take away from the fact that we are a part of the team that sets the standards for what we accept to our network, and whether or not you choose to follow those requirements is totally on your end. While yes, it is our faults that issues like these aren't specifically stated in our submission policies, the tMR submissions are currently under revision by the staff members that check them and will hopefully be put into action upon approval by Dazz and Petie. If you choose not to follow the rules, then we won't accept them. It's as simple as that.

As well:
(06-04-2017, 07:42 AM)Ecelon Wrote: I'd also like to ask ANY "Admin" to delete the following submitted content that shouldn't have been approved, due to no rigging, even though rigiing was possible, because for the many years of submissions, not one complaint until, THAT "ADMIN" (this could take a fuckin while....)
Your submissions that are still in the queue, I'd like to ask you to not remove. They will not be removed from the network by any of our staff team, until they are accepted/rejected to/from the network. If you decide to remove them, then they will be removed. I don't think that your submissions are worthless, in fact I think they are still great. You had mentioned that your initial rejection reason was for the lack of rigging on your models. This isn't true, because you yourself wrote below under your post the true rejection reason:
(06-04-2017, 07:42 AM)Ecelon Wrote:
  • Manually bonded submeshes destroyed the material texture assignment to various submeshes. This, in turn, can cause rendering issues, and the submeshes need to be un-bonded.
The note I had left you under your Infinity Blade 3 submissions (in which you deleted), I had explicitly stated that it would be appreciated if you could rip those ones with rigging as being the person who ripped the original Infinity Blade, I know that it's possible to obtain it. In no way did I say that I was going to not check/avoid your submissions. No submission to our network has never been rejected just because a person did not provide rigging. We have, however, seen comments before on games requesting why they aren't rigged. It is up to you whether you provide that, but it was a simple request because I know you're advanced enough to be able to achieve that, and it is an indirect expectation that we look for in people. Yes, it comes off as "lazy" if you don't, but it's totally up to you whether you include it or not. If I were in your shoes, I would be looking to make other people happy and would provide it, as that's what I love about submitting to the Resource websites.

And, finally,
(06-04-2017, 07:42 AM)Ecelon Wrote: So I hope you're thoroughly fucking happy, because you are the one "admin" I've ever known to make 2 users leave this fuckin site... Kudos, on setting this website back 10 steps.
In no way was I expecting to make a single person leave, nor was it my entitlement to do so. Your anger-filled post was in response to me upholding my duties and responsibilities as a staff-member of this site. I'm sorry that you and I don't see eye to eye on this community, but in my opinion I have done what I need to in order to provide for others here. Yes, I have been slightly abrasive towards you and SickAlice, and I'm sorry you guys took that as me insulting who you are and what you're capable of. But, this community provides criticisms in order to make us all better people, and be able to appreciate one another for the progress we've made. I'm sorry that you have made the decision to leave. We value all of our members equally, and we would love to see you stay. If you choose to stay, I'm willing to work with you to understand why things the are ran the way they are here, and why we keep excelling at what we do. If you do in the end, decide to leave, I would like you to remember one thing:
(06-04-2017, 07:42 AM)Ecelon Wrote: just cause you have some shitty little fuckin title under your name, don't mean I'm gonna start doing it YOUR way
People are placed in a position in some sense that is "higher" or "above" the standard members, in order for them to teach the way that is supposed to be done in a certain area/field. Regardless of the fact that you've been a member longer than I have, doesn't change the fact that we are who we are. It doesn't make you or I a better person overall, but it labels me as someone who's willing to help you further your knowledge in model ripping, and how to make others happy doing it. I'm sorry that some "fuckin title" under my name labels me as an abrasive, rude, and wrong-doing person, but you simply lack to open your eyes to criticisms that are seen by several other members of this site everyday. I wish you good luck in your decision, and future endeavors in what you decide to do.

Best wishes,

Messages In This Thread
Officially calling it quits!!! - by Ecelon - 06-04-2017, 07:42 AM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Pingus! - 06-04-2017, 03:39 PM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Gors - 06-05-2017, 07:41 AM
RE: Officially calling it quits!!! - by Kosheh - 06-05-2017, 12:10 PM

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