(07-17-2017, 07:57 AM)Kosheh Wrote: oh,
well then u___u; color me a doofus. my apologies for going a little hard on you here.
a little advice: I'd take a screenshot of it in whatever modeling software you're using to show it off in the topic, and possibly inspire other people to model Pepsiman. This is the Models forum, nothing wrong with showcasing your work
for an example of what kinda pictures you want to post, check out MrPr1993's topic right beneath yours.
It's OKÂ

Sorry, I'm new to here (also noticed my phone emoji became an extra question mark). I mainly started this to make finding pepsiman 3d models easy to find, since most of the ones I managed to find weren't free or didn't give out a link. I'll try to draft a post (like with a graphÂ