Quote:In the back of my head I always thought Trimtone is awesome and would be the case with a lot fo the N64 era games I enjoyed, even back then i what I mean. They may have been colorful games but I could see right through the boxy-clunkiness of the designs, and how water-ed down they had to be to simply get a hold of the new 3D space.
DK64 and Mario64 were the big ones fitting that description. Zelda64 too...but I think as an adult I can appreciate the smaller overworld for simplicity's sake. Smash64 probably was enhanced by the rusty nature of that era.That era really just felt like a "practice" era for future 3D generations
I find my childhood favorites kind of less fun today in general. However, some still hold strong like Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I still fire up that game occasionally and have fun for days on end.