To be fair, Davias, we didn't know that when we put that system in place you would upload hundreds of extremely explicit porn sheets. It didn't exactly cross my mind, since until the point before then, that never happened. We've always had a pretty tame nature to the site until that point, so where you had the impression that we should suddenly host extremely large pieces of art showing hermaphrodites ejaculating over each other is beyond me. We can't warn against things we don't expect.
I gave our already established regular submitters with instant approval the benefit of the doubt on their understanding behind what this site is for. You took the decision into your own hands and pushed it into 12th gear. I'm not pointing the blame at you, I blame myself, but you cannot get angry at us because of your decision to push boundaries and force our hand.
I gave our already established regular submitters with instant approval the benefit of the doubt on their understanding behind what this site is for. You took the decision into your own hands and pushed it into 12th gear. I'm not pointing the blame at you, I blame myself, but you cannot get angry at us because of your decision to push boundaries and force our hand.