04-18-2018, 09:14 PM
(04-18-2018, 02:52 AM)Carpaccio Wrote: Soooo...upon experimenting with Kirby Star Allies, I decided to try and load up the biggest enemy in the game, the 'Final Boss'. This led to a significant error, something about 'Weight', and caused a severe memory spike which caused my entire computer to freeze and nearly crash. When things finally stabilized, he had partially imported, but was missing his legs and had a 'starburst' of bones surrounding him. I killed 3DSmax's process since it had stopped responding, and retried without the 'import rigging' option. I had assumed this would import without bones and weights and such, but apparently not. The same thing happened either way. So that's a pretty big problem on this guy...I'm actually already aware of that and I'm working on a fix. Thanks for letting me know regardless!
(04-18-2018, 08:51 PM)SunSunne Wrote: Upon trying to import Kirby's model from Star Allies into 3dsMax, he has no textures and is completely white. What am I doing wrong?Are you using the "DDS" option? If so, you'll need to convert them to PNG and use the respective option instead, as 3DS Max doesn't properly support DX10-based textures (which most Switch games use).