06-07-2018, 01:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2018, 03:34 PM by Shinigami_Guntz.)
LOOK AT THIS! HE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL (Well not completely yet)! *yes i ripped him* his uv's are shockingly well intact, except for the body and face ones, those require a bit of fixing and clean up.
and tbh if pcw2 models are uncrackable im pretty sure whatever they used to hide the file type for them was also used on this game, i was tempted to get ahold of the guy who made the bms to pull the raw data and ask him how the fuck it even works, but judging by the last time someone asked him that i wont get much, or at least if he can give us a bms script to extract said models.....in their proper file type