Spritesheet Analyser V6.0
- Added arrow controls, Up & down to switch between the palettes, left right to switch between the selected sprites.
- Clicking on a sprite directly on the sprite sheet will select that sprite and show its palette.
- Pressing delete while a sprite is selected will delete it. The first background color will be used for the fill.
- When changing the color of a "mother" palette, you now have the option to also change the palette of all of its child.
- The master palette ( a palette made up of all the color used by the sprites of the sheet) is now displayed at the top of the list.
- A progress bar is now displayed when loading a sheet or searching for duplicates.
- and tons of bug fix.
Edit Spritesheet Analyser 6.3
- You can now highlight palette swap.
- Fixed memory leak and greatly optimised "highlight duplicate", should be 10 times faster now.
- Added a grid function and a menu to change its spacing and offset.
- Added arrow controls, Up & down to switch between the palettes, left right to switch between the selected sprites.
- Clicking on a sprite directly on the sprite sheet will select that sprite and show its palette.
- Pressing delete while a sprite is selected will delete it. The first background color will be used for the fill.
- When changing the color of a "mother" palette, you now have the option to also change the palette of all of its child.
- The master palette ( a palette made up of all the color used by the sprites of the sheet) is now displayed at the top of the list.
- A progress bar is now displayed when loading a sheet or searching for duplicates.
- and tons of bug fix.
Edit Spritesheet Analyser 6.3
- You can now highlight palette swap.
- Fixed memory leak and greatly optimised "highlight duplicate", should be 10 times faster now.
- Added a grid function and a menu to change its spacing and offset.