(12-01-2018, 10:55 AM)Grounder Wrote: Name Totodile FortniteBrgr, the looks on the other trainers' faces will be epic.
AHA! Only related on this minor tangent of a subject, but I use Streamlabs OBS to stream and I actually have it set to censor 'Fortnite' so people wouldn't argue about it. Serious names though, please! Like, a word, or something that sounds like a name!
(12-01-2018, 06:01 AM)Bailey Wrote: Why don't you call your Charmander - Squirtle. Imagine how that would be confusing for your opponents haha. Kidding aside, I'm jealous a bit. You're going to have a great time with those games.
Hehe, yeah, but I want something that I would actually call them by. Especially since I used to play Ruby all the time before I lost my original cartridge. I had a Sceptile named (I kid you not) 'Geckie' because I didn't know what Treecko evolved into at that time. When the games come in, I'm naming at least one of my three Treecko that.