Uh oh, this is something that should be checked more deeply, take a look:
Missing in 2.0 probably 'cause of deduplications, in this case the word "Sundries" is being used in two different contexts, as a category selection for Moogle Emporium, and as a standalone shop name, take a look at these screens from 1.0
Good thing is that for now it's the only anomaly i found, so i'll stick working with 2.0 version. In any case, deduplication maybe just for ".name" strings would be a better solution, also considering that identical words but used in various contexts often imply different meanings.
Uh oh, this is something that should be checked more deeply, take a look:
Missing in 2.0 probably 'cause of deduplications, in this case the word "Sundries" is being used in two different contexts, as a category selection for Moogle Emporium, and as a standalone shop name, take a look at these screens from 1.0
Good thing is that for now it's the only anomaly i found, so i'll stick working with 2.0 version. In any case, deduplication maybe just for ".name" strings would be a better solution, also considering that identical words but used in various contexts often imply different meanings.